Amigos Nas Dunas

Amigos Nas Dunas

Amigos Nas Dunas, A.N.D., was born out of love for animals, especially love for dogs.

The idea of having an animal shelter, was never planned, but grew out of necessity whilst living there. The dogs found me!

Taking care of sick and neglected dogs in Brazil, is a daily activity, sometimes with good results, sometimes with bad results.

That’s why money is needed. The goal is to raise money through donations and gifts, and selling my clothing and bag lines.

All the money goes directly to the animals in need, for shelter, food, medication, education and castration.

We hope that in the future, serious diseases will no longer have the chance to strike.

Unfortunately, there are still too many dogs that need help, so please help us with our good cause.

We thank you for visiting this page and for your help.

Lots of love,


Amigos Nas Dunas


Tel: +31642089490

Facebook/Instagram: Blue Bayou